Rothamsted International Fellowship Scheme for Developing Countries

Posted by Inkpower On Monday, April 18, 2011 0 comments


The primary objective of this prestigious Fellowship Scheme is the exchange of vital scientific skills and technologies relevant to the agricultural and environmental needs and aspirations of developing and emerging countries. Fellowships are funded by charitable donations;
they are available to scientists of proven ability, working in developing or emerging countries, to pursue research with scientists at Rothamsted for periods of up to one year. It is expected that Fellows will return to their home country at the end of the Fellowship period.


In addition to the points made above (in 1.1):
1.2.1 Applications will normally be considered from established scientists from developing or emerging countries under two main criteria:
(a) the applicant must have a substantiated track record, which will enable him/her to actively collaborate in research at Rothamsted;
(b) a primary concern should be the transfer of basic skills and technologies relevant to
the applicant's home country.
1.2.2 Candidates from developed countries are eligible for Fellowships and awards. These are on
condition that applications for alternative sources have been made for this purpose but were
unsuccessful, or were not available within an appropriate time-scale or within this context.

1.2.3 Candidates must come from countries considered to be developing OR from less
developed resource poor areas of countries that may be considered to be emerging
economies. They must also come from resource-poor institutes or laboratories.
1.2.3 It is generally expected that, at the time of application, candidates will have been working in their home country for a significant period of time.

.2.4 Applicants should normally be of doctoral status, with at least two years’ post-doctoral
experience. Candidates without Higher Degrees but with equivalent research experience will
also be considered. It is anticipated that candidates may have permanent salaried appointments
in their home countries to which they will return and may be in receipt of salary during
1.2.5 In exceptional cases, applications from postgraduates will be considered on scientific merit,
but not where the main objective of the visit is research leading to a Higher Degree.
1.2.6 If candidates have previously travelled overseas to carry out research (e.g. leading to a Higher Degree) there should be evidence that skills gained have been applied in their own country
before a further overseas visit is proposed.
1.2.7 The number of previous awards made to Rothamsted Departments will be taken into
consideration in Fellowship allocations as will the host scientist's track record with previous RI
1.2.8 Support will not be given for work on books or projects and courses without a clearly defined and achievable aim. Retrospective applications (i.e. applications from those who have already arrived in the UK) will not normally be accepted.

Applications may be made for research in agricultural, environmental, mathematical and computational sciences pertaining to ongoing research programmes being carried out at Rothamsted. The research/study to be undertaken by the Fellow should be in a field of direct relevance to development issues of the applicant's home country. For further information about current research topics please visit the Rothamsted website:
Some Fellowships are only for certain regions or topic areas as agreed with the donor.
1.4 TENUREAwards will be for a normal minimum of six months and a maximum of one year. Cases can be made for split awards, involving return to the home institution where this is integral to the research; the scientific value will be assessed against the additional travel costs. In any event RI will not make an initial commitment for more than one year. (See also Section 4 regarding Visas, Passports and Certificates of Sponsorship.)


 One return journey between the home country and Rothamsted;
 accommodation and subsistence allowance (see Section 6);
 discretionary payments upon advance application to the Project Leader for costs of conference attendance in the UK;
 Institute research costs;
Unspent funds will be returned to the general pool or designated Fellowships as appropriate.
The Fellowship funds do not provide for dependants, nor is Rothamsted International
accommodation suitable for families.


1.6.1 Application Review Panel
The Rothamsted International Fellowship Panel (RIFP) will normally meet twice annually, but this may vary depending upon the number of Fellowships available. The Rothamsted International Fellowship Scheme should receive full and complete documentation by the deadline published from time to time on the Rothamsted website. This is an absolute deadline.
Rothamsted International.
Fellowship Scheme
Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom.
Fax: +44 (0) 1582 760981
The results of applications will be communicated to candidates, normally within one month of the date of the Fellowship Panel meetings.